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Showing posts from November, 2013


I Believe in Personality Tests Not too long ago, I remarked to my supportive spouse that if I were to take another personality test now, the result would be quite different. Little did I realize how different.... The opportunity popped out quite unexpectedly when A's school called for interested parent-child pairs to do a Myers-Briggs Test  to understand parenting style and child personality fit.  I took the test for fun and it was rather revealing. In the final analysis, my profile was ESTP . Something has shifted from the person I was at ESTJ when I was younger. The Younger Me I wouldn't have liked me very much if I were to meet her now. This was a person who had to get her own way, have the last word and did not take to advice well. She was not too sensitive or aware of feelings of other people and did not care if they were offended. She needed to get somewhere, do something, be somebody... I've had misgivings ...