Pimple, Wrinkle, Periwinkle, Paralysis
Once upon a time, a pimple was about the worst thing that could land on the face. It starts off as a speck not visible to the human eye, which lands on an open pore, and soon, it erupts into a mould that is red, angry, unforgiving, absolutely deflating to the self-absorbed teenage soul.
Once upon a time, a pimple was about the worst thing that could land on the face. It starts off as a speck not visible to the human eye, which lands on an open pore, and soon, it erupts into a mould that is red, angry, unforgiving, absolutely deflating to the self-absorbed teenage soul.
Time went by. A self-absorbed teenager grew older and morphed into a self-absorbed older person, beginning from age 20. She begins to realise that time wields a cruel blow on the face and also on the body. Metabolic rate slows down, and body parts head south, encouraged by gravity. Pimples give way to wrinkles. Age-defying measures become desperate, and even obsessive. Suddenly- there is paralysis. Time stands still, and the face draws a blank, for good times, bad times, at all times.
Stop. Let's look at Periwinkle. It's a delightful pink flower that grows in its season, just like any other cycle of a flowering plant.
First the seed in the soil which grows roots, then it becomes a sprout. With enough water, sunlight and nutrients, it will grow well. The sprout gets taller and taller. Then it flowers. When it is about to die, it drops seeds in the ground and the life cycle begins again.
Eccl 3:11 " He has made everything beautiful in its time."
Let's face it.
Better a face that reflects a life of the full season of its time from Spring to Summer to Autumn to Winter, than one that is locked in Autumn, dressed for Summer, thinks it's Spring, but Winter is approaching.
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