A Marriage of Mutual Utility. Posted 29 Jul 2011 Driving at an unearthly hour this morning, the resident audio book ( Now playing " Bee Season" by Myla Goldberg ) threw out more (punch )lines than I can remember, with such a kapow! Here are two I like. "She has often felt that her outsides were too dull for her insides, that deep within her there was something better than what everyone else could see." "Miriam realizes she is a broken vessel, pieces of her scattered everywhere. She has been finding those pieces, in their many forms, and bringing them together so she can be whole again." Then there was one more - " A Marriage of Mutual Utility". This one latched on like an unwelcomed guest and wouldn't go away. Traditional wedding vows always contain the obligatory " For Better or Worse...till death do us part." Perhaps couples should just say it as it is " For better...or until your utility value...