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Showing posts from July, 2011

A Marriage of Mutual Utility. Posted 29 Jul 2011

A Marriage of Mutual Utility. Posted 29 Jul 2011 Driving at an unearthly hour this morning, the resident audio book ( Now playing " Bee Season"  by Myla Goldberg ) threw out more (punch )lines than I can remember, with such a kapow! Here are two I like. "She has often felt that her outsides were too dull for her insides, that deep within her there was something better than what everyone else could see."  "Miriam realizes she is a broken vessel, pieces of her scattered everywhere. She has been finding those pieces, in their many forms, and bringing them together so she can be whole again."  Then there was one more - " A Marriage of Mutual Utility". This one latched on like an unwelcomed guest and wouldn't go away. Traditional wedding vows always contain the obligatory " For Better or Worse...till death do us part." Perhaps couples should just say it as it is " For better...or until your utility value...

Life's Little Light-Bulb Moments-Monday. Posted 26 Jul 2011

Life's Little Light-Bulb Moments-Monday. Posted 26 Jul 2011 Monday morning: bleery-eyed, grouchy, ready to snap at the slightest hint of intrusion of private space or any excuse to do so - make that the three of us. It is 6.15 am.  All is quiet and dark around us, save for the sounds of mindless squabbling , AGAIN. Mum is NOT amused by such antics of overgrown children especially when she has to drag herself out of bed at such an unearthly hour to play chauffeur. "Are you guys done yet?" I barked. I waited for the reluctant but obligatory, barely there whispers of "sorry"  before I reluctantly climbed into the driver's seat. ( Someimes, I almost wish they will eye-ball each other at the porch and get into a fist fight, giving me sufficient ammo to leave them there and go back to bed. I will repent for such devious thoughts after I wake up )  Not happening today, anyway. What followed for the next half hour, with a captive audience ...

New Oven

New Oven I am bursting with anticipation. There is a new addition to the family - not the two-legged or even the four-legged kind. It does not bark, poop, talk back or scratch. It is a state-of-the-art convection oven with turbo-quartz radiation ( haven't figured out what that is all about yet ) and several knobs with different functions. I drool and fantasize while poring over pages after pages of professionally tweaked pictures of bakes,pizzas, pot-roasts and desserts. Oh, the possibilities and promises!  Over the past few months, we have been eating out a lot - out of conveniece, chilling with good friends, trying out new joints, tired of eating the same ole boring stuff...any excuse will work, really. It turns out to  be a bummer when you pay good money for poor food, sometimes accompanied by even poorer service. Every now and then, the thought creeps up - " I could do better than that, and get more bang for the buck." In the end, pride prevailed, and the ti...

Runaway Maid

Runaway Maid My Mum's maid, R, left home last Saturday, and has not returned since. The scene - a half-made bed, telephone left disconnected, my nephew's piggy bank raided. Mum made a police report on Sunday. R made no attempts to make contact ,and is out there, somewhere. She left without her passport, employment pass and Indonesian identity card,so it would be reasonable to presume R is still in Singapore.  R had been working in Singapore for about a year. When she first arrived, she was too shy to make eye contact, her speech hesitant, her posture stooped. She was a picture of innocence, with a sweet smile and always deferential, to the point of being ingratiating. She did everything at Mum's beck and call, but never once complained or sulked. I couldn't help comparing her with my domestic help, L, who runs my household and can shrink my kids with a withering look or a bark, whenever they are up to any shenenigans. L will speak her mind and voice her views. A...

What's In A Label?

What's In A Label They all come off anyway... The first thing I do with a new outfit is to snip off the label on the back. It does not matter what it says on the label; I simply do not like the itchy-scratchy sensation which rubs against my skin, so off it goes. Now I can proudly declare that every apparel that hangs in my bursting-at-the-seams wardrobe has earned the right and pride to belong there, on its own merits, not by pedigree. There is a wide assortment - from so-called designer brands ( whew, very rarely ), overruns, sales merchandise ( mostly ), pre-loved, vintage, swops, thrift shop finds, to up-cycled ( current flavour of the day ). I must admit the first time I did the chop on a designer label did bring on mixed feelings. I was actually sorry to see the label go, though I rarely pay guilty money for it - years of serial shopping and wide coverage has brought on a certain savvy in nosing out great bargains online. I will retain some trade secrets, although I can b...

Why it's hard to be a Christian - Posted 6 Jul 2011

Why it's hard to be a Christian - posted 6 Jul 2011 At first blush, it just doesn't make sense! In one broad stroke - it is too simple, too good to be true - is there a  catch to it all? Here's why 1. It is not about what we do to reach a higher being who is "up there" but what God has done, to become one of us, to reach all of us "down here." 2. In fact, it's not about what any of us do at all - It has all been done. All we need do is to accept that it has been done, or not. The doing is in the believing. Too good to be true? Well, some may say - I live a good life, I don't murder, steal, commit adultery, etc. Therefore, I'm better off than some, and not as good as others.  Actually, there's only one standard, and we all don't cut it. Some others may say - wow, does that mean I can go on doing things that are not quite so right, and still get a straight ticket to heaven? Yes, and no. It goes like this - Supp...

On Work - From "Simple Truths" by Kent Nerburn

On Work -  From "Simple Truths" by Kent Nerburn On Work "Choose your work carefully." No matter how much you might believe that your work is nothing more than what you do to make money, your work makes you who you are, because it is where you put your time. We are what we do, and the more we do it, the more we become it. By giving a job your time you are giving it your consciousness. Eventually it will fill your life with the reality that it presents. So look beyond the superficial attractions of a particular job or profession. Consider what it will require you to do on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour, minute-to-minute basis. See if that is how you want to spent your time. If it is not, your job will become your prison, rather than the vehicle of your dreams. And a person without dreams is only half alive..."