Reflections on believing, living, dying. Posted on 4 May 2012
Death is not pleasant or pretty. The news report the recent passing of a young,beautiful, talented woman, well-known in local theatre. It is sad when a life is over before it has even begun;with hopes and dreams yet to be realised. It does not get easier for those in their sunset years and their loved ones, when serious conditions threaten, and mortality is perched precariously, on a thread.
Death is impartial to any, a great leveller of all and sundry, and cruel in its finality. Some, in chronic pain and physical suffering, would actually welcome it as a form of reprieve. But is it really the end?
What happens after we die? To answer this, it begs the question of how we got here in the first place and what we are supposed to do while we are living.
One group does not believe in a creator - man simply is; the universe and delicate cycles of nature just happened; life is what one makes of it, and eventually, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. There is an intricate balance of order and design in the human machinery, in nature, and in all other things which are not man-made. Darwin, on his death-bed, acknowledged there is a divine Creator, and labelled his life's research as simply a "theory".Yet many still maintain that structure can devolve from a state of chaos and such is the origin of the species.
Another group accepts there may or may not be a creator, it does not matter - To them, all religions are the" same" and for the good of mankind. " They don't usually steal, kill, commit adultery, drink or gamble ( well, maybe sometimes )...but anything in between pretty much get by as occasional weaknesses. Most things are ok as long as they are not illegal, immoral or fattening. If this holds true, then why didn't Jesus opt for an easier way to reach out to the people? He didn't have to die such a painful, shameful and horrible death; betrayed by his closest friends, rejected by his family members, mocked by religious elders of the day. He would also have to be an outrageous liar, claiming that He is the Son of God, and the only way to the truth. His followers throughout history could also have chosen differently instead of being persecuted for their faith and being matryred for it.
One dominant group believes in a creator who is to be the ultimate judge of their deeds on earth, as to whether they will make it to paradise thereafter...or not. They do not know how much is enough, so they apportion a measure of it through "good" deeds and acts of servitude.
Then there are some who simply believe in a Creator who created the heavens and the earth, and all the living things; a heavenly Father. His first two children were given dominion over the earth, to rule over it, to be fruitful and to multiply. There was a fallen angel who stood for everything the heavenly Father was not. He wanted to steal, kill and destroy whatever the Father had ordained. He was also a convincing liar. The two children listened to the lies and disobeyed the Father. Sin came into the world and this led to a separation from the Father. Instead of being angry, the Father wanted reconciliation with His children- He sent Jesus to take the form of a man and to bear the punishment of all mankind, as a blood sacrifice. Jesus died, and rose again three days later. The price has been paid, all the children had to do now is to believe and acknowledge the Father and Jesus. The Father has also left His children with a manual - Basic Instructions Before Life Eternal. This group believes that we are spiritual beings housed temporarily in physical bodies; when we die, there is life beyond. There will be eternal reunion or eternal separation from the Father. It is a choice the children has to make; accept or reject.The Father is willing to wait throughout His children's whole lifetime for them to make the decision to accept His love.
I belong to this last group of people who call God my Heavenly Father, and Jesus my Saviour. I know where I come from, and where I am going...and in the meanwhile, during my sojourn here, living with purpose as a child of God.
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