A Plot, A Plan, A team of Players, A Plethora of Possibilities
This little house sits on a plot of land in a neighbourhood I want to come home to - it is my kampung, the place where D and A grew up in, where I can satisfy instant cravings for local "chomps" and the familiarity of everyday sights descends like a breath of fresh air. Creature comforts, simple pleasures.
A Plan has been drawn up for this little house to emerge as more than a shelter, as a reflection of its owners' personalities and way of life.
Nothing makes a better story than when an architect, after hearing what the homeowner desires, goes on to visualize and produces a design that not only captures the very essence and spirit of that dream; but takes it further than what she had imagined it could go...
I have visited and baulked at the opulence of mansions, waxed incredulous in shoe-box apartments, admired stylish houses, fantasized about capital gains from real estate, remained unmoved by the blandness of countless others, and have to grapple with this concept of making a house a home. Believe me, it is a lot more than what meets the eye.
A home has to embody the expression of who we really are - our values, vanities, preferences and what we stand for. I have asked these questions and have narrowed them down to God, family, friends, books, bonding over good. wholesome food, connection with nature, contentment with having enough, living tastefully well, looking good, ( that's being honest ) and being blessed to be a blessing.
After years of living with clutter and excess, I am now yearning for simplicity and reduction without sacrificing a touch of the whimsical which has always been my trademark.
I am excited about the Plan. It opens up so many Possibilities. I foresee sparks flying when the Architect is open to what we are being vulnerable to, inviting him to the private spaces of our lives and how they can be further expanded; and he, in turn, shares his vision and wisdom with us. When the dream and vision is intertwined into one, the whole becomes larger than the sum of its individual parts, and there is a choreography of form and rhythm arising out of the chemistry of magical teamwork.
Mr Y, will you have this dance with me?
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