Going Solo in Sydney
It just happened. I did not plan for it, it landed on me. The daughter had wanted to go for a church conference and needed me as chaperon. I obliged, but set my sights on museums, markets and the Blue Mountains. She had a last minute change of plans and cancelled her ticket. I was left with mine and travelling in winter which is not my favorite season.
Eating well was not on my agenda. It is out of character to go for fine dining and eat alone while it’s cold and dark outside. My days start off with coffee and breakfast. By the time I was ready for the next meal in the late afternoon, I realized to my chagrin that the cafes close from 2 pm to 6 pm. So it’s fast food, pastry or whatever else I could find. Thankfully, there is room service and the Fifa world cup telecasts to entertain me when I get back.
I spent 8 days in the pleasure of my own company, armed with GPS roaming services for directions, the Opal card for public transport, and the hop-on, hop-off bus tours for time-saving measures to get back to the hotel before the sun sets at 5 pm. In between, I had my fix of museums, street art, markets and shopping. ( Note to self- It’s fine to travel alone, but better with company and definitely not in winter )
Sydney and its environs in the Blue Mountains are awashed with colours. There is art everywhere, inside and outside.
Meanwhile in the Museums and Art Galleries…
Marketing Day …
My personal favourite museum – toys, toys, toys at Leuralla
And to wrap it all up…
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